Is This Mastermind For You?

Ask Yourself…

– Are you READY to Get into Radical Action!!!!!!!!!!!

– Begin Manifesting your True Purpose 

– Give yourself Permission to Show Up Different 

– Plant Seeds for the Life you Desire 

– Gain a High Level of Confidence

– Eliminate Excuses and Begin Making Adjustments Once and for All 

– Connect with Like-Minded Individuals and Build Relationships that Cause you to Dream Bigger 

This mastermind group offers a combination of brainstorming, education, peer
accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your mind, business, and
personal skills. This group requires commitment, confidentiality, and the willingness to both
give and receive advice and ideas. This mastermind group is like having an objective
board of directors, a success team and a peer advisory group all rolled into one. You owe it
to yourself to create the life you were designed for.

Do your part…. SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF!

This  journey will be like none other as you LACE UP YOUR BOOTS!!!

Learn Who You Are, Decide What You Want and Develop the Courage to GO GET IT!!!

Time: 8pm EST

Location: Virtual Zoom Sessions 

Dates: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday


If you are ready for one on one coaching with a
transformational coach Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery
Session with a Boots To Purpose Transformational Coach.

Level Up Combat Boot Program

Be Ready to Lace Up Your Boots, Stay Ahead of the Curve and Focus on What you Need to Grow to Get to Your Next Level!  It’s Time to Show Up Different!

This Program Will Help You Stand in Your Authority

Get Clear on Your Next Level

Discover Your Purpose

Evict Your Ego & Submit to the Process

Get Committed

Find YOUR Lane

Boost Your Self Confidence 

The Meaning of Life is to Find Your Gift. The Purpose of Life is to Give it Away, -Pablo Picasso 

Platform Power Program

Get Ready to Own your POWER
This Program Will Help You Protect Your Attitude and Your Commitment to Push You to Greater Heights to Walk in Your Own Authority and Your God Given Power! 

Your Mindset will Make or Break You with What the World is Trying to Make You.

Get Prepared to Step into ACTION! Activity Solves Problems!!!!


Develop a High Level of Confidence 

Own Your Personal Power

Programming Your Subconscious Mind

Mindset Mastery

Train Your Brain to Understand the Rhythm to Winning

Identify the Skills Needed to Show Up for Yourself

Becoming More Influential


The Power of Self-Discipline

Eliminate the Excuses that are Holding You Back Once and For All

Move from Fear to Faith

Answering the Call on Your Life

Inhale Confidence Exhale Doubt 

Steppin in Stilettos
VIP 6 Month Transformation Program

This VIP Program Is Designed to Inspire You to Step into Your Next Level of PURPOSE, POSSIBILITY & PROFIT

You will learn effective strategies and techniques to help you create change in yourself and become a Top Performer and Thrive!

Learn the Necessary Skills to Create the Life you Desire! 

Walk in Your Highest Level of Confidence

Program Your Subconscious Mind

Monetize Your Message

Develop a Millionaire Mindset

The Power of Self Discipline

Develop Positive Habits of Belief

Create Rituals for Success

Step into Your Unique Talents

Set Your Bar Higher

The Power of Storytelling

Respect Your Money

Stepping Into Your Stilettos 

Nothing Is Impossible The Word Itself Says I’m Possible – Audrey Hepburn 

Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Session with a Boots To Purpose Transformational Coach 

 Spaces are LIMITED!!!

Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Session with
a Boots To Purpose Transformational Coach 

 Spaces are LIMITED!!!